Trust 500X500

Are you interested in improving the lives of credit union members?

OneAZ is accepting applications for nominations to run for a seat on the Board of Directors. Don’t miss this opportunity to serve your community and improve lives.

Board Director Candidate Requirements

To be eligible for a position on the OneAZ Credit Union Board of Directors, you must meet the following requirements:

  • 18+ years of age
  • Possess a post-secondary degree in finance, business or a related area
  • OneAZ member in good standing and eligible to vote in the next election 
  • Complete and sign a nomination application packet by September 30, 2024
  • Successful background screening
  • No criminal record
  • Credit in good standing

Nominations are open through September 1 - 30, 2024.

If you're interested in running for a seat on our Board of Directors, fill out the form below to receive an application packet.

To be eligible to run for a seat on the Board of Directors, you must meet the following requirements:
Are you 18 years of age or older?

Do you possess a post-secondary degree in finance, business or a related area?

Are you a member of OneAZ Credit Union and in good standing?

Are you willing to submit to a credit and background check?

Other Desirable Attributes
Do you have prior experience working on Boards or volunteering for non-profit organizations?

Can you devote 8-10 hours per month for meetings?

Do you have the ability to work with and present to a diverse group of individuals?

In addition to texting and email, are you experienced using video meeting technology such as Zoom and Microsoft Teams?

Do you have a relevant educational background or experience in understanding financial statement and business principles?

Are you able to attend monthly board meetings, typically the 3rd Tuesday at 5:30 PM, in-person as required (minimum 3 per year)?

Are you able to attend meetings during the day, evenings and on weekends?

Are you available for committee meetings typically held mid-day?

Are you able to travel and attend industry meetings and conferences to fulfill annual educational requirements?


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